Lago di Como

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We woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise over Lake Como! We have an apartment in a little fishing village called Argegno (pronounced “R-GIN-YO”), which is right next to the village where George Clooney has his villa. But I cannot imagine that he has a better view.

The drive here from Lucca was full of traffic, winding mountain roads, LOTS of trucks, and long tunnels. We were a bit frazzled by the time we stopped at the roadside restaurant for lunch so I picked up cheese, crackers, wine, and bread – just in case we did not want to venture out for dinner. Good call. The ride got even hairier as we rounded the lake, with one hairpin curve after the other.

But how worth it! We unloaded and sat on the balcony the rest of the afternoon, perfectly happy with our gas station provisions and million dollar view.


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4 thoughts on “Lago di Como

  1. Every place you go is amazing but this is one of the best, when we went there, we were ready to check out staying like you are doing. Maybe this will inspire us, Edith

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  2. Christy – You guys should try The Locanda dell’Isola. It’s a restaurant on Comacina Island. I don’t think it’s far from where you are. We went there while at Lake Como (which we absolutely loved). It was fabulous and there’s a whole story behind it and the island. We also love Bellagio, which is where we stayed while touring all over the lake (a little south and on the other side from where you are I think). I can’t wait to hear about your adventures around the lake. Enjoy!


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